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- Trifend Garden Sray & Concentrates
Categories Pest Control, Pest, Disease & Weeds Control
Trifend Garden Sray & Concentrates
$11.25 – $25.50
A effective triple action spray for fast and effective insect, disease and mite control.
* Comes in RTU (Ready to use) spray bottle OR in a concentrated bottle than must be must be diluted in water.
* Insecticide: kills aphids, thrips, whitefly, budworm and earworm caterpillars
* Fungicide: systemic control of blackspot, rust and powdery mildew
* Miticide: controls two-spotted mite
* Systemic control of fungal diseases; black spot, powdery mildew & rust.
* Target a great range of insects – aphids, thrips, whitefly, budworm and earworm caterpillars
* Controls two-spotted mite.
* Kills via contact and stomach action.
* 200ml makes up to 20 litres of mixed spray solution
* 500ml makes up to 50 litres of mixed spray solution
Active Ingredient = 9.6g/L TAU-FLUVALINATE, 4.4g/L MYCLOBUTANIL